Cloud has become something of a buzzword in offices across the world. The way that many of its strongest proponents speak about it, you would think that cloud computing was a technology far beyond anything we have ever before known. You could be forgiven for thinking that it must all be nothing but hype.

In reality, the cloud is an astoundingly powerful tool, but one that has limitations. Still, lots of negative perceptions about the cloud persist. Even amongst those businesses who are convinced of the cloud’s capabilities, implementing of cloud technologies is proceeding at a glacial pace for many. There are a number of reasons why this is the case, but it largely comes down to fear of the scale of the change amongst those who need to ok the implementation.

Fear of Losing Control

This is a big, and understandable, hang up for many business owners. Businesses have grown used to having total control over their IT systems, meaning they can choose what hardware and software they use. More importantly, they have physical access to all of the infrastructure on their end. When you move some or all of these capabilities into the cloud, you are also handing over some of this control to your cloud provider.

For many business owners, relinquishing this control concerns them. What if something goes wrong? Who do you go to with technical issues? How can you be certain that any issues will be promptly resolved?

With a reputable cloud provider, you don’t need to worry about any of these issues. Live server backups mean that any interruption of service will be minimal; when one server goes down, another one takes over. There will be a dedicated support team ready to assist with any issues and many providers provide 24/7 assistance.

The Cost

Cost will always be a key factor in determining the route a business takes. IT upgrades are notoriously expensive and disruptive for businesses, and migration into the cloud sounds like another expensive tech venture. However, cloud technologies are becoming increasingly affordable and accessible. Not only are the costs of the tech decreasing, as they always do, but moving certain operations into the cloud can save you money.

One example of the way that access to cloud computing capabilities is becoming more affordable is through initiatives like the UK government’s G-Cloud. G-Cloud is designed to allow businesses to find enterprise cloud computing services without having to go to the time, trouble and costs of putting a full contract out to tender. Businesses like UKCloud can help businesses to navigate the G-Cloud 11 digital marketplace.


It often feels like every time we turn on the news, we hear another story about another massive data breach or cyber intrusion. Governments and businesses are both under constant threat from cyber criminals, and even those with the best security in the world find themselves vulnerable. Against this backdrop, it can seem like madness to entrust your most secure files and processes to an external entity.

However, once again, any reputable cloud service provider will have some pretty strong security. The industry standard is now for very strong encryption and security measures. Remember, while major corporations and governments fall victim to these attacks, they are also up against the most determined and well-resourced attackers. No security is perfect, but your business has nothing to fear.

Cloud computing is changing the world. Most of us remain blissfully unaware of the coolest and most significant goings on in the field. If you want your business to be at the cutting-edge, or you just want more efficiency, the cloud could be the perfect way of achieving it.