No matter the size of a company, businesses can make a massive impact when they strive to reduce their carbon footprint. There are many ways a business can make to the way they operate in order to do this, and more companies than ever are making a commitment to change.

A lower carbon footprint isn’t only good for the planet, but it can also help businesses drastically cut their costs in the long run. With careful planning, organisations can reduce unnecessary expenditures and have significant cost-efficient outcomes.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The starting line for any businesses new to the green movement: reduce, reuse, recycle, should be implemented in every facet of your business.

Begin by assessing what can be reduced and reused within your business. If reusing doesn’t work for your business, or there’s no alternative available, start a recycling program in your company. 

A good alternative for plastic, one of the most used materials, is sustainable polythene. Traditional plastics are made using fossil fuels and contribute to large amounts of greenhouse gases and pollution entering our environment. Eco friendly polythene is an enormous asset in conserving our planet’s resources while still boasting the same durability and strength as the traditional kind. Recycled polythene has the potential to be part of a closed-loop process, with the benefit of being able to be in the same recycling chain as the plastics made from fossil fuels. 

A significant concern in everyday life is plastic bags for shopping, as even the bags for life are scarcely better alternatives. Many stores are now looking into using eco polythene bags as a sustainable alternative to reduce their carbon impact. 

With consumers’ interest in sustainability increasing, many businesses are investing in eco friendly polythene, and you can learn about polythene’s products.

Food Waste

A business doesn’t need to be a supermarket or restaurant to reduce food waste. Offices that use catering can still reduce their overall waste by purchasing from a company that supports the local community. By doing this, they are indirectly decreasing food waste by minimising transportation emissions.

Carbon Offsets & Renewable Energy

A business that purchases carbon offsets is funding projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is important to keep in mind that whilst it is good to use carbon offsets to fund green projects, they only act as a balancing agent to negate the carbon emitted. Carbon offset do not reduce the amount in the atmosphere. 

Investing in renewable energy can be difficult for businesses unable to change from conventional energy to solar or wind. Using high-efficiency lighting and powering off all electronics when not in use, a company can still reduce its consumption. Use online resources to help you make the right renewable energy choices for your business

Business Against Climate Change

Being a green business can be difficult, but the single bottom-line business model is no longer enough for the modern world. More organisations are asking the hard questions: how does this affect my consumers, employees, planet and business? Making a commitment to change public helps your business and the earth in the long run.